AWANA CLUB MINISTRY includes scripture memorization, 
games, and group time purposed on encouraging children to:

ESTABLISH a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord.

DEVELOP a love and respect for God and His Word

UNDERSTAND how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives.


VBC AWANA is now accepting sign-ups for students and we'd love for you to join us! Meetings are September through May of each club year. AWANA is a club that promotes discipleship and scripture memory in a fun environment. Clubs are held weekly. Sign up through the link below.

For more details about the AWANA program, see the Awana Club Brochure.

For any questions, please email:


For ages 3 & 4

Each year of Cubbies will cover both Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories. Thirty-two lessons per year place special focus on what each Bible story teaches us about God's character.


K to 2nd Grade

Sparks curriculum is comprised of three handbooks. Each handbook builds a foundation of biblical wisdom through memory verse drills, crafts, activities and review of key doctrine and Bible facts.


3rd to 5th Grade

T&T answers questions about God and the Bible and guides kids through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace. T&T lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.


6th to 8th Grade

Trek® is a year-long, 3 year study, middle school ministry curriculum with Biblically rich content and practical application for your students' lives.


9th to 12th Grade

Journey establishes high school students as lifelong disciples through a deep study of God's Word, mobilizing them to live with godly perspective and evident faith.