Lajos & Evodia Budai

Budai Lajos and Evodia live in Oradea, Romania. Lajos is the pastor of the First Hungarian Baptist Church in Oradea Romania, a church of about 500 people, along with another pastor, Adrian Giorgiov. Currently Lajos has been asked to pastor a newly planted church near their home. In addition, Lajos and his wife provide outreach events to spread the gospel and they are involved in supporting the orphans in their community. 

Lajos and his wife, Evodia, have been married over 23 years. Both come from pastor’s families and early on felt God’s call in their life. They have recently adopted a little girl and now have 5 children and are dedicated to building God’s Kingdom with their large family. Lajos was the president of the Hungarian Baptist Youth Convention and has been teaching in Bible Schools. He has been in the leadership of the Convention of Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania since 1996. He has been the vice president for mission in the Convention from 2015. 

Recent Updates.

November 2019 (Recent Pictures 1, 2, 3)

June 2019 (Click to Read)

May 8, 2019 (Click to Read)

December 31, 2018

Dear Brothers and sisters in the Lord!

We are very grateful to close this year with peace and blessings we received from God this year in the family and in the church.

We serve the Lord as a family and really rejoice in the Lord in the blessings we receive through that. Our son is studying theology , our eldest daughter is at university to become a teacher, they help us a lot in the ministry with the youth and children work. Our daughter Kamilla got baptized last month, this was a highlight of this year in our family life. Máté (Matthew), our son is playing drum in the church, praying that he may receive Jesus in his heart one day, too. Little Csillag is growing and we have so much joy having her in our family, but also needs a lot of patience and redesigning in our planning.

In the church we see a change since we moved here, but we pray to experience the work of the Holy Spirit more and more in each generation. Please pray for us continually.

We send our warm greetings and wishing you a fruitful new Year!

May God bless you!

In Him

Lajos and Evodia Budai B.jpg

August 24, 2018

Dear brothers in Valley Bible Church,

We are truly sorry that finally you could not come and help with the vacation Bible school, but felt very strongly God’s providence and blessings upon us all. Each day we had more that 100 children. Many volunteers came from the church to help so we had teachers and musicians and workers for everything. Every day there were children who made commitments to Christ. We were learning many songs during the week and at the end we performed as a musical on Sunday at church. Many parents and relatives came from the part of the children who did not attend church before and they heard the gospel. Our heart was full with joy and gratefulness for all we received through this week. SDG!

We were also serving as a family in more camps this summer. God blessed us in the camps for children with disabilities and we had the privilege to go in the mountains with the youth from our church. Many of them came to Christ. Please pray as we do the follow up with the children, young people and their families as summer ends and we can get back to normal programs in church.

Thank you for being in your prayers and may God bless you for all your support which is a significant help in our ministry.

In Him

Lajos and Evodia Budai

April 15, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus in Pleasanton. 

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! We celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, this is the foundation of our faith and unity. He is alive and we can be united in Him!

Just some fresh news from us:

  • As you know we live in Oradea since last autumn. We serve the Lord here. Last month we had outreach events for 8 days. praise the Lord we have people who decided to follow the Lord. Please pray for u sas we do the follow up with them.

  • 150 km far from here in Cluj Napoca there is a new church planted with 33 members already. Until they have a pastor I am asked to pastor them too. Praise the Lord for the baptism we had there last week.

  • As a family we are doing well, the children are healthy, they help us a lot in the ministry.

  • From last year my wife is implicated in the Orphan mission here in Oradea. Last week there was case when a newborn baby was left in the hospital (gypsy). We just did not found a family to adopt this baby, we tried so hard to do it. Other times we did, we already helped 21 babies to Christian families through this ministry. God lead us to take this big step in faith and we felt he asks us to adopt this little baby girl. She was born on the 27th of March. She is in our family already. We named her Esther. Please pray for us to raise her too for God’s glory.

Wishing you a very blessed Easter,

Love in Him,

Pastor Lajos and Evódia Budai

August 18, 2016

Dear Brothers in Pleasanton,

Thank you for praying for us. After a time of praying and fasting considering many factors we decided to move to Oradea - west part of Romania. Lajos accepted to pastor the Hungarian Baptist Church there. The need there is huge, our gifts of evangelism and pastoring have to be used more intensively than here in Udvarhely. It is good that the Lord strengthens us with his word each day so we become more and more convinced about the future and hope He promised us and for the church here in Udvarhely too.

Our children also are pleased with moving even if it is not easy for us. Please pray for us as we start the Outreach for Teens next week and also we will do the Mark drama on the 25th of August in the Church in Udvarhely just right before we move. We want to invite all our non christian friends to this event not just to say good bye but for sharing the gospel with them.

After all the camps we are a little bit tired, but full with joy (As a family we lead about 5 six days-camps this summer for children, families, disabled children and adults). We are also thankful for the opportunity we had to get away with the family for vacation. We were camping at the Black Sea for a week this month. 

Thank you for your prayers and support. With this move we need it more than ever.

We really think and pray about the possibility if you could come and visit us again. A smaller or a larger group. Both would be appreciated. In the past when I visited you, (just before Carol Porter went to be with the Lord) we talked with Steve and Sharon Collard that they could help us in the ministry we do with young families here (on topics like marriage, raising children). Youth and children work is also in need here... Please pray and if you feel God is leading to visit us and serve among us, please come.

May God bless you in everything you do.

In Him:

Pastor Lajos and Evódia Budai 

July 6, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Pleasanton,

We are so grateful for the Lord after the first two camps this summer.

The first one was for the children. We took 20 children to Harghita Christian Camp where we led the week with Evodia's brother who is a pastor. We had close to 200 children in the camp, most of them could not afford the camp without financial help. We had a group from an orphanage too.

Every night there were many of them who gave their life to Jesus. We pray that as they went home to share their faith with their family.

Another week was in the Barnabas House with special needs children and their mothers. Evodia led this group. 6 mothers with their disabled children have never been to camp before. Actually for 5 of them this was the first time to meet evangelical Christians. We are so thankful that 3 of them made a decision by the end of the week. It gives us so much strength that we cannot wait to lead the next group. 

Please pray as we are heading this weekend for the next camp. This will be up in the mountains, not much facilities but beautiful nature and of course because this way is cheaper to organize a camp we are able to take more people from our town. We take 11 teenagers from our club (who attended faithfully the Club through the whole year) and also we are able to take about 7-9 families. Together we will be about 50 people in the camp.

Please pray for safety and also our biggest desire to reach them for Jesus.

We are thankful that Lajos has finished his Master degree in Theology (pastoring and counselling), praise God for that!

We just got invitation to pastor the church from the 1st Hungarian Baptist Church Oradea. It is one of the biggest Hungarian Baptist Church, it is an honor to be invited, but the need is also the biggest there at the moment. Lajos is not convinced yet about the decision. Please pray for us as he has to give the answer in August.

Our family is doing well, looking forward in the summer to a shorter family vacation too. This is also a prayer request. 

We are so grateful for all you prayers and support what makes a huge difference in the mission here in Transylvania. 

May God bless you richly!

Lajos and Evódia Budai